Non-cursor cursors
So I've been doing SQL queries for a while now, but only just worked out that 99 times out of 100, whenever you think you need a cursor, you probably don't. You probably need some sort of loop and some sort of track of where you are...but the answer to that is NOT a cursor.
For example:
You have a list of portfolios that you wish to value, but you need to call a proc/function against each in turn, so doing a single query is out of the question. The answer would appear to be a cursor, iterating over a list. WRONG.
Here's how NOT to do it:
And here's a quicker, easier, cheaper, better way:
Easier, non? Quicker non? No cursors!
For example:
You have a list of portfolios that you wish to value, but you need to call a proc/function against each in turn, so doing a single query is out of the question. The answer would appear to be a cursor, iterating over a list. WRONG.
Here's how NOT to do it:
OPEN pfo_cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM pfo_cursor INTO @pfoLoop
WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 stuff with @pfoLoop
FETCH NEXT FROM pfo_cursor INTO @pfoLoop
And here's a quicker, easier, cheaper, better way:
SET @pfoLoop = (SELECT TOP 1 pfo FROM #id ORDER BY pfo)
WHILE @pfoLoop is not null
BEGIN stuff with @pfoLoop
SET @pfoLoop = (SELECT TOP 1 pfo FROM #id WHERE pfo > @pfoLoop ORDER BY pfo)
Easier, non? Quicker non? No cursors!
Comments came out in SQL2005, can help out a lot in these scenarios. Much quicker too.